
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Brunch

Last weekend Sam and I had a couple of people over for a spring brunch.  Mimosas and Bloody Marys were served.  As the brunch went on, there was talk of all the things you could deep fry (Will it deep fry?), blackberry Manschewitz, and accessorizing mimosas with Peeps.  I'm sure that there are some people who think that I would have people over for a brunch and only serve drinks.  Hell, I know I debated it in the hours leading up to everyone arriving, but there was food.  Something about being hungover by 5 PM on a Sunday didn't sound too attractive to everyone involved. 

Because I can't do anything without going overboard, (just ask Sam) I decided that I needed to make a quiche, home made pop tarts, and of course, bacon.  I forgot to take pictures of the pop tarts, but they turned out well and I'll be making them again at some point. 

Here's where things get a little scary:  I only somewhat used a recipe.  I know, I know.  This is coming from the person who obsessively follows recipes.  I used a recipe for the crust and and custard, then threw in a bunch of vegetables, and it turned out great, if I do say so myself.  Sure, there was a bit of a tense moment with Sam and I trying to move the quiche to the oven without spilling the filling everywhere and a lot of "oh gosh, it's still jiggly in the middle.  What the heck!," but a little bit of patience (ha) and a watchful eye ("STOP JIGGLING, DAMNIT!") the quiche ended up being cooked just the right amount.  

Note: I used a tart shell (scroll down to the bottom of the post) recipe from Deb at Smitten Kitchen that didn't require par-baking.

     Adapted from The Silver Palate Cookbook

1.5 c. half and half (use heavy cream if you're feeling frisky)
3 large eggs
Salt and Pepper to taste
10" Tart/Quiche Shell 
1.5 - 2. c. filling of your choice (I used feta cheese, roasted red peppers, sauteed onions, fresh basil, shredded mozzarella, and sun dried tomatoes)
  •  Preheat the oven to 375 F, make tart shell.
  • When tart shell is ready, spread filling of choice in bottom of shell.  In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs and cream, add salt and pepper to taste.  If you are going to use dried herbs, I'd add them into the custard so they're evenly mixed.  Pour custard into tart shell with fillings.
  • Bake at 375 for 20 minutes, checking the quiche halfway through by jiggling the pan.  If the custard is still jiggly, keep baking until the center is just about set.  
  • Cool slightly and serve.


  1. I want the home made pop tart recipe. that sounds YUMMY!

  2. I love the accessorizing with Peeps! Fabulous!

